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FilterFaucet™ Finally clean & drinkable water from every tap!

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Customer Rating 9,4
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This unique water filter penetrates households in the Netherlands as it reveals and blocks all the pollutants that you normally cannot see with your eyes!

Every healthy family starts with clean water. Feel reborn after every sip of purified water.

Every home needs an effective water purifier. Let our multi-stage water filter protect your family.

STOP using your kidneys as a filter, use FilterFaucet™
Age well and healthily with our purified water!

This award-winning #1 original, Dermatologically tested and approved water filter combines 3 powerful water filtration technologies for the ultimate at-home facial cleansing

FilterFaucet™ Water FIlter is the only filter that filters through 6 different levels

Removes up to 99% of harmful chemicals and toxins in your daily water tap. It prevents chemicals as small as 0.2 microns such as lead, chlorine. VOCs, Mercury, Pesticides, Herbicides, ETC.

Why FilterFaucet™ is indispensable in every household?

- Removes up to 99% of harmful chemicals and toxins in your daily tap water

- prevents chemicals as small as 0.2 microns such as lead, chlorine. VOCs, Mercury, Pesticides, Herbicides, ETC.

- Increases skin moisture

- Unclogs clogged pores that make your skin prone to breakouts

- Protects the skin barrier and replenishes the skin cells

- Prevents and combats signs of premature aging

- Makes you feel confident and healthy

- Easy to install on any tap!

The Proluo Water Purifier Faucet | Somnium – Somnium Vivi



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